Professional & personal taxation

Professional and personal taxation

One of the main concerns for people thinking of living or investing in France is French taxation.

There are several different taxes in France related to property ownership, running a business, income and wealth, and it can be a minefield to try and understand what your liabilities are in your individual circumstances.

Our principal clientele is a professional one and where we look after our professional clients’ annual accounts, we generally also prepare their personal income and wealth tax declarations. However, we do also have a list of private clients who may require assistance with complex income or wealth tax returns and have a dedicated English-speaking tax team who deals with this.

Outside of our busy tax return period, we are also available for tax consultations related to change of residency or professional situation.

Professional and personal taxation

Our experts can help guide you through this complex system by offering advice and assistance with:

Professional taxation & VAT

Property taxation & capital gains tax

Income tax & real estate wealth tax

Review of individual tax affairs & change of residency

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